Here are some of the questions that you have sent us the most but if you have any others, do not hesitate to contact us and we will be more than happy to answer you.


¿Dónde está mi pedido?

Cuando enviamos un pedido, automáticamente enviamos un email con toda la información del envío, incluido un número de seguimiento del paquete. Mediante este podrás seguir tu pedido.

No me llega el código de descuento.

Es posible que pueda haberte llegado a la carpeta de Spam. De todas maneras, en ocasiones tarde un máximo de 10 minutos en llegar. Si no te llega, contacta con nosotros.

No me funciona el código de descuento que tengo.

Es muy posible que el código de descuento se haya caducado. Contacta con nosotros para solucionarlo.

¿Cuál es la política de cambios y devoluciones?



1.1 Order receipt

You can receive our orders at the address you choose (home, workplace, Post Office, Mailbox, etc.). Deliveries to Teaching Centers, Hospitals, Public Organizations and other properties where there are restrictions on access to the general public, we do not guarantee that they will be made directly to the recipient, the order being fulfilled and released from liability when the order is has been made available to the recipient at the reception or place that acts as access control.

Please put the delivery address as complete as possible. If your delivery address is difficult to find or access, choose that of a family member, friend or trusted person who can receive your shipment.

1.2 Delivery times

At Roots Barefoot we strive to meet the delivery times we offer as much as possible. However, it is important to keep in mind that these deadlines are merely informative and are not binding or contractual. Sometimes, factors beyond our control may arise that affect the delivery of orders, such as breakages or breakdowns during transport, lost packages, local festivities, absences from home at the time of delivery, among others.

- Orders placed from Monday to Friday : Orders received before 4:00 p.m. will be sent that same day and will be delivered by courier the next business day. Orders received after 4:00 p.m. will be sent the next business day as a general rule, unless our logistics allows it and can be shipped on the same day.

- Orders placed on the weekend : Orders received after 4:00 p.m. on Friday and until 4:00 p.m. the following Monday will be sent on Monday and will be delivered by courier on Tuesday.

Explanatory NOTES:

* Order deliveries will always be made from Monday to Friday , never Saturdays or Sundays, nor holidays.

* Delivery times are counted from the moment the order leaves our warehouse, when we notify you with an email in which we attach the order tracking number.

1.3 Shipping costs


Peninsula (without Portugal):

  • Express Shipping (home delivery in 24-48 business hours): €3.50

Balearic Islands

  • Express Shipping (home delivery in 24-48 business hours): €7

Canary Islands

Standard 0g–900g (2 to 5 business days): €12.00 EU
Express 0g–3000g (1 to 4 business days): €22.00 EUR


  • Express Shipping (home delivery in 48-72 business hours): €5


  • International Express Shipping (home delivery in 3-6 business days): €12

Free shipping to all of Spain from €70.


Our returns policy is governed by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users, as well as by Law 7/1996 Regulation of Retail Trade, modified by Law 47/2002 to adapt it to European Directive 97/7/EC.

In this framework, Roots Barefoot clients count on a period of 14 days to exercise your right of withdrawal by making an unequivocal statement indicating your decision to cancel your purchases.

If you want to make a return, check the following points first:

– The product must be in perfect condition, with its labels and in its original packaging. It is very important that you return the product to us perfectly packaged. If it is damaged due to inappropriate packaging, we will not be able to accept the return.

– If there is a need to make a return, you can do it automatically on our website, in the returns section (located at the bottom of the website). There you can find the return instructions as well as the link to our returns platform (Reveni).

On this platform you will have to enter your order number and your email. Here you can choose which product you want to return. The return costs €3.75 , which will be subtracted from the amount to be returned. When you request the return, you will be sent a Post Office label so that you can take the package to the office that best suits you. You do not need to print this label, simply showing the barcode at the counter is enough. As soon as we receive the product, we will make the automatic refund.
– If the return is a consequence of an error in the manufacturing or handling of the order by our team, the shipping costs will be paid by us in full. Otherwise (particularly if there is an error in the shipping address), the associated costs must be paid by the customer.

Products from the ROOTS CARE range do not accept returns or exchanges.

– The amount of the products will be refunded but not the shipping cost (€3.50).

However, contact us at if you have questions about how to proceed. Once we receive the merchandise in our warehouses and verify that all of the above conditions are met, we will accept the return of the product and the amount will be refunded - within a maximum period of 20 days - according to the payment method made or, where appropriate, the shipment of the new product.

You should keep in mind that, if it is a credit/debit card, the refund, depending on the specific bank used, may take up to 30 days to be effective.

The customer assumes the costs of the return, which has a fixed cost of €3.75.

Can I make a size and/or model change in sneakers (Roots Casual/ Roots Minimal/ Roots Freedom)?

Unfortunately we cannot currently offer size and/or model changes due to the difficulty of guaranteeing stock availability at all times. We work with limited stocks and it is possible that when changing sizes your number may not be available. Therefore, if you need another size or want to change the color, we recommend making a new purchase and managing the return of the unwanted item.

Are there products that CANNOT be returned?

Based on the current law cited at the beginning of this page, the following returns are NOT accepted:

  1. Items that are in contact with the body for use : These types of items, for hygiene reasons, are not accepted for return or exchange. Examples: Full Root Care range : separators, spacers, aligner band, bunion corrector band, socks...
  2. Items that are not suitable for resale . They must be returned in the same conditions in which they were received, with their original individual packaging and all their labels, in perfect condition. Used items are not accepted.

¿Cómo puedo tramitar un cambio de talla o devolución?

Our returns policy is governed by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, which approves the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users, as well as by Law 7/1996 Regulation of Retail Trade, modified by Law 47/2002 to adapt it to the European Directive 97/7/CE.

In this framework, Roots Barefoot clients count on a period of 14 days to exercise any exchange or return.


It is very essential that you return the product to us unused and perfectly packaged . If we see signs of use or the product is damaged due to inappropriate packaging, we will not be able to accept the return.


For Returns: The product must be in perfect condition, with its labels and in its original packaging. The product must be returned in a cardboard box or shipping bag. Products that come directly without shipping packaging/protection will not be accepted . The Post Office label will be affixed to the shipping packaging.

For exchanges: The product must be in perfect condition, with its labels and in its original packaging. The carrier will pick up the product to be exchanged at your home and it must be properly packaged. He will deliver the new size to you below.


We allow returns or size changes for CASUAL, FREEDOM and MINIMAL sneakers. To do this, the shoes must not have been used and must be returned in their original packaging in perfect condition and with all labels.


Items that are in direct contact with the body for use or testing. For this type of items, for hygiene reasons, returns or exchanges are not accepted. Examples: ROOTS CARE complete range : separators, spacers, aligner band, bunion corrector band, ball and 5 TOE SOCKS.

To proceed with the return or size change, access our platform through this link:

If you have any questions, contact us at

¿Se puede modificar la dirección de entrega?

Si, pero es importante que si te das cuenta de un error, nos lo comuniques lo antes posible. Si el pedido ya ha sido enviado, solo podremos modificar número de calle, piso, puerta, no calle ni código postal ni provincia.

¿Cuánto se tarda en recibir un reembolso tras devolver un producto?

Las devoluciones tardan en llegar a nuestro almacén aproximadamente 7/10 días. En el momento que recibamos el producto, si está en buenas condiciones, automáticamente se hará el reembolso. El plazo oficial de reembolso del dinero es 20 días.

Envié un correo electrónico al servicio de ateción al cliente, ¿cuánto tardan en responder?

Nos esforzamos mucho en ofrecer una respuesta lo más rápida posible, tanto vía email como vía chat online. Normalmente si no te hemos respondido en 24/48h vuelve a escribirnos porque igual se ha transpapelado el mensaje.


Cómo hacer la transición al zapato barefoot

Para realizar una transición al calzado descalzo, comienza gradualmente. Usa tus zapatillas barefoot durante cortos períodos de tiempo al principio, permitiendo que tus pies se adapten. Aumenta progresivamente el tiempo de uso para fortalecer los músculos. Mantén una postura natural y presta atención a tu forma de caminar. Escucha a tu cuerpo y si sientes alguna molestia, reduce el tiempo de uso.

Te dejamos este blog en el que explicamos cómo realizar una correcta transición al calzado bareefot:

Transición al Calzado Barefoot: Una Guía Integral para una Adaptación Exitosa

¿Cómo me mido el pie?


CM EU size UK Women Size UK Men Size
23.3 36 5
24 37 6
24.7 38 7
25.3 39 8 6
26 40 9 7
26.7 41 10 8
27.3 42 eleven 9
28 43 12 10
28.7 44 eleven
29.3 Four. Five 12
30 46 13

No tengo claro cuál es mi talla

Dentro de cada calzado podrás encontrar un enlace que indica ¿Cuál es mi talla?. Este enlace te guiará para medir correctamente tu pie y elegir la talla correcta en función del calzado que desees.

Recuerda que para que el calzado barefoot tenga sentido al menos tienes que dar un margen extra de más o menos 0,7cm a la longitud de tu pie.

¿Se pueden lavar e la lavadora las zapatillas barefoot?

El MODELO FREEDOM se recomienda lavar a mano. Remoja o sumerge las zapatillas en agua tibia o fría con un detergente suave o jabón neutro. Usa un cepillo para frotar la suciedad. Puedes retirar los cordones y dejarlos en remojo o meter en la lavadora. Frota toda la superficie de la malla. Para la limpieza de la suela puedes utilizar un cepillo más fuerte. Cuando las hayas limpiado, coloca las zapatillas en un lugar fresco y ventilado para que se sequen al aire. Evita dejarlas al sol o cerca de fuentes de calor, como radiadores, ya que esto puede afectar la forma y la integridad de los materiales.

Para las FREEDOM será conveniente limpiar la plantilla a mano, no en lavadora, para evitar desteñidos.

Se pueden lavar también el lavadora pero algunas partes de la estructura de la zapatilla podrían despegarse o deformarse.

PARA EL MODELO URBAN, no es recomendable meterlas en la lavadora. Utiliza un paño limpio y suave o un cepillo suave para eliminar la suciedad de la superficie.
No utilices productos de limpieza agresivos.
Una vez que se haya eliminado la suciedad y los residuos, limpie los zapatos con un paño limpio y húmedo para eliminar cualquier resto de producto de limpieza.
Deje que los zapatos se sequen completamente al aire en un lugar fresco y bien ventilado. No exponga los zapatos a la luz solar directa ni al calor.
Si los zapatos están muy sucios, es posible que tengas que limpiarlos en profundidad con un limpiador especializado para microfibra.
Sigue atentamente las instrucciones del limpiador y pruébalo primero en una zona poco visible para asegurarte de que no daña la piel.

Frequent questions

¿Cuál es la diferencia entre separadores y espaciadores?

Te dejamos el enlace a este blog donde explicamos las diferencias en profundidad.


How long a day can I use the separators? And the aligners?

You can wear toe separators and spacers all day long, depending on your comfort. However, it is advisable to start with short intervals and gradually increase. From our experience, if you wear traditional footwear at first, your feet will not last more than a few minutes. With time and progressive adaptation you will be able to wear them for hours without remembering them.

Which separator best suits my lifestyle?

In reality, both types can work well for you, it just depends on when you want to use them.

  • Toe separators: They provide greater separation between your fingers, which will give you greater balance. They are more flexible, allowing for more natural movement. They are completely attached to the foot, so during dynamic sports activities such as walking, running or training, you won't even know you're wearing them!
  • Finger spacers : The space between the fingers is smaller, which means you can wear it for longer without noticing. In addition, they do not squeeze the fingers, which makes them more comfortable for long periods of time. The material is harder, this makes them tremendously durable.

Our personal recommendation would be to use the spacers during your work day since you will not notice that you are wearing them and combine them with separators during more specific moments such as sports, stretching, training in the gym, etc. These separators provide many benefits in activities of this type.

¿Qué es la banda gris que me ha llegado junto a los separadores?

Es una banda elástica que estamos regalando para ayudar en no solo el alineamiento de los dedos de los pies, sino también en su fortalecimiento. Con esta banda podrás hacer estiramientos, flexiones, abducciones de tus dedos pulgares.

En nuestro instagram te mostramos algunos ejercicios.

¿Qué modificaciones puedo hacer en los espaciadores de dedos?

¿Separadores normales o advanced?

Te dejamos este blog donde te explicamos la diferencia para que puedas elegir cuál necesitas.

How long is it necessary to use the decontracting ball?

To obtain the benefits of the decontracting ball, it is recommended to use it for 5 to 10 minutes daily. This time is enough to massage and relax your feet, improve circulation and relieve accumulated tension. Remember to listen to your body and adjust the duration according to your comfort and needs.

We recommend starting sitting. As our feet get used to the sensations, we can continue supporting our body on a table so that we can exert more pressure on the foot without dropping all of our body weight. Over time you will be able to stand on the ball without feeling any type of pain, it is the magic of the adaptation of our feet.

Is it better to wear 5-finger or normal socks?

It is preferable to wear toe socks instead of regular socks when wearing barefoot shoes. Toe socks allow the toes to expand naturally, promoting a more natural and balanced stride. Normal socks tend to compress the toes due to the elastic, which goes against the comfort and benefits of barefoot.

Does it make sense to sleep with dividers?

No. The best way to obtain all the benefits of separators is if they are used while moving, practicing sports activities such as training, running, practicing CrossFit, but also walking. It is at these moments when the foot muscles are activated. If you put them on statically, your foot will return to its shape as soon as you take them off.

Manual de uso gama ROOTS CARE

Te dejamos el enlace a la página donde explicamos cada uno de los productos más detalladamente.

Manual de uso


¿Cuál es mi talla?

These shoes should be tight (although not tight).
It is not necessary to make much difference between the size of the foot and the inside of the minimal shoes.

¿Cuánto margen tengo que dejar en este tipo de calzado?

Estas zapatillas han de quedar ajustadas (aunque no justas).No es necesario aplicar mucha diferencia entre lo que mide el pie respecto al interior de las minimal. 

¿Se pueden usar con calcetines?

Sin problema. Pero lo ideal es que fueran calcetines 5 dedos para aprovechar al máximo la libertad que te da este calzado.

¿Se pueden usar con separadores de dedos?

Si, de hecho es muy recomendable. Su puntera anatómica permite sin problema su uso con separadores.

¿Cómo puedo lavarlas?

Para mantener las zapatillas en óptimas condiciones, se recomienda limpiarlas a mano:

  • Llena un recipiente con agua fría o tibia, no superior a los 45ºC.
  • Sumerge las zapatillas en el agua y frótalas suavemente con las manos para eliminar la suciedad y las manchas. Utiliza el jabón habitual pero nunca lejía.
  • Enjuaga bien las zapatillas con agua limpia para eliminar cualquier residuo de jabón o detergente.

También se pueden meter en la lavadora, utilizando un programa suave, agua fría o templada y metiendo las zapatillas en una malla de lavado de prendas delicadas. Agrega un detergente suave si es necesario.

Después de la limpieza, deja que las zapatillas se sequen al aire libre en un lugar ventilado. Nunca meter las MINIMAL en la secadora.